Consulting and Strategic Planning
SINC offers custom consulting engagements to help social impact leaders make the best decisions about their initiatives and strategic direction. Consulting engagements begin with a free consultation, where we can hear about your needs and concerns. We’ll develop a custom proposal that’s unique to your organization.
Some of the services we offer include:
- Research: We’ve conducted research on national trends to enable organizations to benchmark, surveys of members, focus groups of communities and markets, and environmental scans.
- Concept paper: We’ll develop a new initiative idea from the back of the napkin to a full concept paper. Concept papers detail the goals of a new initiative, benefits and risks, costs, and evaluation measures.
- Strategic planning: We’ll work with boards to develop strategic plans informed by strong evidence, develop specific goals, and identify clear leading and lagging metrics of success.
Executive Coaching
Social impact coaching sessions with Professor Michelle Shumate build on a complimentary session. Clients describe Michelle as a “calming presence.” Her clients are accomplished social impact leaders navigating new or challenging waters.
She systematically probes issues, listening intently. Those conversations lead Michelle to offer nuanced advice. Talking with Michelle is like having a friend who is never ruffled and gives trustworthy counsel.
What can you talk about with Michelle?
- How do I get my network started?
- How do I deal with this messy conflict?
- How do I motivate my network staff?
- How do I make my organization more sustainable?
Board Training
SINC offers half-day and 90-minute board training sessions. During the COVID-19 pandemic, training is via video conference.
Topics available include:
- Board leadership: Moving from votes to generative thinking
- One size does not fit all: Knowing how (and whether) to collaborate
- Capacity building for small nonprofits
- Strategic plans that get off the shelf
- Developing your theory of change
SINC offers a variety of custom workshops as well. Inquire about any topic, and we’ll do our best to either offer it or point you in the direction of someone who can.